Domeniul agro-alimentar sub lupa specialiștilor

Arăt: 231 - 240 din 399 REZULTATE
Locale Știri

Corrigendum nr.2 la Ghidul General POCU

  Corrigendum nr.2 la Ghidul General POCU Ministerul Fondurilor Europene a publicat cel de-al doilea Corrigendum la Ghidul „Orientari privind accesarea finantarilor in cadrul Programului Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020”. Printre modificari se numara: Calcularea cheltuielilor indirecte ca rata forfetara din costurile directe eligibile cu personalul. In prevederile initiale, din acest calcul erau excluse cheltuielile cu personalul …

Internaționale Știri

Emergency seed distributions help Haitian farmers grow for winter harvest


Emergency seed distributions help Haitian farmers grow for winter harvest
With little time to lose to secure a winter harvest in Hurricane-struck Haiti, FAO has begun emergency distributions of seeds and tools to help disaster-affected families produce food and restore livelihoods lost in the country’s biggest humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake.
Source: Agris Global News
Emergency seed distributions help Haitian farmers grow for winter harvest


Locale Știri

Materii prime pentru desertul de Sărbători

  Materii prime pentru desertul de Sărbători Restaurantele, sălile de evenimente și cofetăriile vor putea găsi, în paginile revistei Gastromedia, rețeta pentru un desert special de Sărbători. Rețeta desertului cu pere, mousse de ciocolată și vin roșu va fi publicată în următoarea ediție a revistei Gastromedia. Această rețetă a fost dezvoltată de către un maestru …

Internaționale Știri

Progress towards defeating hunger slows down in Asia-Pacific, obesity on the rise, as diets change

Progress towards defeating hunger slows down in Asia-Pacific, obesity on the rise, as diets change
Progress toward defeating hunger in the world’s most populous region has slowed and countries of Asia-Pacific must redouble their efforts if the Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger is to be met by 2030, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization warned today.
Source: Agris Global News
Progress towards defeating hunger slows down in Asia-Pacific, obesity on the rise, as diets change

Internaționale Știri

At UN Biodiversity conference, new guidelines for agro-environmental policies in Latin America & Caribbean

At UN Biodiversity conference, new guidelines for agro-environmental policies in Latin America & Caribbean
In an effort to combat the impacts of environmental degradation and promote sustainable agriculture in the face of climate change, FAO this week presented a set of Voluntary guidelines for agro-environmental policies meant to support policy makers in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Source: Agris Global News
At UN Biodiversity conference, new guidelines for agro-environmental policies in Latin America & Caribbean


Proiect 8 – 05.12.2016

Proiect 8 – 05.12.2016 ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind modificarea şi completarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 3/2015 pentru aprobarea schemelor de plăţi care se aplică în agricultură în perioada 2015-2020 şi pentru modificarea art. 2 din Legea nr. 36/1991 privind societăţile agricole şi alte forme de asociere în agriculturăCetăţenii şi instituţiile interesate pot transmite …

Internaționale Știri

Research Headlines – Drought-resistant crops provide food for thought

Research Headlines – Drought-resistant crops provide food for thought
PictureEU-funded scientists are developing dedicated biomass crops that are drought tolerant so that they can be grown on land unsuitable for food crops. This will help sustainable bio-based energy and raw materials to succeed in Europe without applying pressure on food resources.
Source: RSS feed: EUROPA – Research and Innovation: What’s New in Agriculture and food
Research Headlines – Drought-resistant crops provide food for thought

Internaționale Știri

Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe

Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe
Picture of the yellow hard hat on construction siteJPI Urban Europe will bring together urban development research and social innovation projects under a single transnational call for projects, ENSUF, in a bid to foster growth, job creation, innovation and sustainability across European cities. Nearly 50 proposals have been received.
Source: RSS feed: EUROPA – Research and Innovation: What’s New in Agriculture and food
Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe

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