Domeniul agro-alimentar sub lupa specialiștilor

Arăt: 221 - 230 din 399 REZULTATE
Internaționale Știri

Research Headlines – Understanding the health benefits of fermented foods

Research Headlines – Understanding the health benefits of fermented foods
Picture of the chees and vineEU-funded researchers have developed an affordable data analysis toolbox for finding and interpreting the genomic sequence of fermented food – the key to better understanding their potential benefits and risks.
Source: RSS feed: EUROPA – Research and Innovation: What’s New in Agriculture and food
Research Headlines – Understanding the health benefits of fermented foods


Proiect PNDR – 08.12.2016

Proiect PNDR – 08.12.2016 ORDIN privind aprobarea sistemelor de sancțiuni pentru cererile de plată depuse în anul 2016 de beneficiarii măsurii 215 “Plăţi privind bunăstarea animalelor – pachetul a) – porcine și pachetul b) – păsări” din cadrul Programului National de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007 – 2013Cetăţenii şi instituţiile interesate pot transmite opinii/propuneri/sugestii în termen de …

Internaționale Știri

Ongoing conflicts continue to intensify food insecurity


Ongoing conflicts continue to intensify food insecurity
Civil conflict and weather-related shocks have severely stressed food security in 2016, increasing the number in need of food assistance, according to the Crop Prospects and Food Situation released today. The report highlights 39 countries that are in need of external assistance for food.
Source: Agris Global News
Ongoing conflicts continue to intensify food insecurity


Internaționale Știri

Food prices are broadly stable amid record cereal inventories


Food prices are broadly stable amid record cereal inventories
The FAO Food Price Index dipped slightly in November, marking a mild departure from its steady rise over the course of 2016. The Index declined 0.4 percent from October, averaging 171.3 points in November, as a sharp drop in sugar prices outweighed an increase in palm oil quotations
Source: Agris Global News
Food prices are broadly stable amid record cereal inventories


Editoriale În pahar

Un line-up (super)toscan de exceptie


Un line-up (super)toscan de exceptie


In weekend-ul care a trecut am participat la Pitesti la restaurantul Dolce Vita la o degustare privata ad-hoc printre ai carei organizatori m-am numarat si care a reunit unele dintre cele mai bune vinuri italiene ale momentului.

Am avut majoritar reprezentanti ai Toscanei, atat clasici din Montalcino cat si lupi tineri gen supertoscane. In plus am terminat cu un Barolo, binevenit dupa stilul modern si concentrat al celor din urma. Vinurile le-am achizitionat de la Winepoint, ei sunt si importatorii. Toate vinurile au fost trecute de doua ori prin aerator rapid Vinturi, echivalent a trei ore de aerare. La unele bineinteles ca nu a fost suficient si am mai experimentat ulterior cu succes inca vreo 2-3 treceri succesive.

Pe scurt cam asa s-au prezentat exemplarele respective, in ordinea intrarii in scena:

Continuarea articolului o găsiți aici:
Un line-up (super)toscan de exceptie
Source: si despre vin
Internaționale Știri

Rural Networks’ Assembly maps out future work


Rural Networks’ Assembly maps out future work

The 3rd meeting of the European Rural Networks’ Assembly provided stakeholder feedback on the activities of the ENRD and EIP-AGRI networks, mapped out the many ways rural networks are responding to the Cork 2 Declaration and discussed what needs to be done around the topic of ‘digitisation’.Read more

Source: ENRD News
Rural Networks’ Assembly maps out future work


Proiect – 06.12.2016

Proiect – 06.12.2016 ORDIN privind aprobarea cuantumului taxei pentru aprobarea organismelor de inspectie si certificare, în agricultura ecologică.Cetăţenii şi instituţiile interesate pot transmite opinii/propuneri/sugestii în termen de 10 zile. E-mail: Proiect – 06.12.2016 Source: de acte normative

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