Endocrine disruptors: EFSA and ECHA start work on guidance
Endocrine disruptors: EFSA and ECHA start work on guidance
Source: Efsa-European Food Safety Authority
Endocrine disruptors: EFSA and ECHA start work on guidance
Știri internaționale din domeniu.
Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe
Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe
JPI Urban Europe will bring together urban development research and social innovation projects under a single transnational call for projects, ENSUF, in a bid to foster growth, job creation, innovation and sustainability across European cities. Nearly 50 proposals have been received.
Source: RSS feed: EUROPA – Research and Innovation: What’s New in Agriculture and food
Research Headlines – Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe
Low incidence of TSEs in the EU, says EFSA report
Low incidence of TSEs in the EU, says EFSA report
Low incidence of TSEs in the EU, says EFSA report
Source: Efsa-European Food Safety Authority
Low incidence of TSEs in the EU, says EFSA report
Reducerea risipei alimentare: răspunsul UE la o provocare mondială
Reducerea risipei alimentare: răspunsul UE la o provocare mondială Comisia Europeană – Fișă informativă Bruxelles, 28 noiembrie 2016 În UE sunt irosite anual aproximativ 88 de milioane de tone de alimente (în jur de 20 % din totalul alimentelor produse), iar costurile asociate sunt estimate la 143 miliarde EUR. Source: EU- Sănătate și siguranță alimentară …
Renewable energy in EU agriculture
Renewable energy in EU agriculture
Source: ENRD News
Renewable energy in EU agriculture
Enhancing farmers’ position in the supply chain
Enhancing farmers’ position in the supply chain
Source: ENRD News
Enhancing farmers’ position in the supply chain
Resource-Efficient Rural Economy
Resource-Efficient Rural Economy
Source: ENRD News
Resource-Efficient Rural Economy
Europenii trăiesc mai mult, însă anii în plus nu sunt trăiți într-o stare de sănătate bună
Europenii trăiesc mai mult, însă anii în plus nu sunt trăiți într-o stare de sănătate bună Comisia Europeană – Comunicat de presă Bruxelles, 23 noiembrie 2016 Raportul comun al Comisiei Europene/OCDE intitulat „Sănătatea pe scurt: Europa 2016” arată că politicile care vizează promovarea unei bune sănătăți și prevenirea bolilor, precum și o asistență medicală mai …
Research Headlines – Solutions to make inland waterway transport more competitive
Research Headlines – Solutions to make inland waterway transport more competitive The EU-funded project PROMINENT seeks to make goods transport on Europe’s inland waterways more competitive compared to other modes by helping industry switch to more efficient and environmentally friendly vessels. Source: RSS feed: EUROPA – Research and Innovation: What’s New in Agriculture and food …
Success Stories – Squeezing extra value from fruit and veg
Success Stories – Squeezing extra value from fruit and veg An EU-funded project has shown that by setting up onsite facilities, fruit and vegetable processors can cost-effectively transform their by-products into sustainable added-value compounds. This can boost rural employment and provide a new source of ingredients for the chemicals, materials, food and pharmaceutical industries. Source: …